Mehr Durchblick Dank unserem Price Calculator für Ihre IoT Devices
How many connections can be assumed?
Our all-inclusive rate "Device Flat" for fleet sizes below 100 devices includes any reasonable use features. Here you don’t need to enter the values for the feature usage.
File Transfer
Remote Command Execution
Remote SSH
How many files (configurations, parameters, settings, single binaries) do you plan to send to a device per year (mean value for the fleet) ?
How many commands do you expect to trigger via our platform on a device per year (mean value for the fleet) ?
How many Remote SSH Tunnel Connections do you expect to establish per 100 devices and year (average value) ?
Software Update
Software updates are always included if they don't exceed normal use.
We consider
~ 150MB of single software image size,
~ 12 updates per device and per year and
~ 10 different images per device type as normal use.
We consider
~ 150MB of single software image size,
~ 12 updates per device and per year and
~ 10 different images per device type as normal use.
Price Indication
Per device and month:
Per fleet and month:
Platform Flat